Solarpunk: A Shift Towards a Sustainable and Community-Driven Future

How do you envision the future? If the images that pop up in your mind are based on sci-fi movies and books, especially cyberpunk ones, this future isn’t very bright….

How do you envision the future? If the images that pop up in your mind are based on sci-fi movies and books, especially cyberpunk ones, this future isn’t very bright.

Thinking about the future can be depressing and scary, almost paralyzing, in light of media headlines reporting about pollution, natural disasters, climate crisis, social injustice and staggering inequalities. 

Is the world falling apart? Are we hurtling towards an apocalyptic, dystopian future? Well, there’s an alternative way to look at things. It’s called solarpunk.

Let’s see what it means and how it can be a life-changing idea that can spark some hope and optimism, as well as be an eye-opener to a new, viable direction and call-to-action.

Cyberpunk vs. Solarpunk, what’s the difference

As depicted in numerous movies like The Matrix or Blade Runner 2049 or Ready Player One and books like Neuromancer by William Gibson or Snow Crash by Neil Stephenson, a cyberpunk world is ruled by capitalist corruption and corporate power. 

Urban decay and technology used for surveillance and suppression are the core anxieties of people living in these worlds. If you naturally tend to focus on the bad news instead of the positive ones, as many of us admittedly are, then you may think that cyberpunk is the inevitable future we’re heading to. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Solarpunk is an alternative view. It’s focusing on living with technology and nature in harmony. A future where we use the knowledge and technology available today to create a world that is both human- and ecocentric. Its pillars are sustainability, self-governance and strong communities. Sounds like a utopia, right? 

Maybe, but before you ditch it as corny, think of this: the fiction, the narrative we create inspires our future. For this reason, we need to think carefully about the thoughts that fuel our imagination. It’s very easy to think cyberpunk is our inevitable future world, but is this the image that should inspire us? Shouldn’t we have more solarpunk than cyberpunk in our way of thinking, attitude, lifestyle and also projecting the future?

So what is solarpunk?

The term “solarpunk” was coined in 2008 by an anonymous author who proposed a new subgenre of speculative fiction. They took their inspiration from the MS Beluga Skysails, the world’s first hybrid cargo ship which used sail power, a computer-controlled kite rig, to supplement the ship’s engine. Technology and nature in alliance. That’s the essence of solarpunk.

Picture of the MS Beluga Skysails, the world's first hybrid cargo ship that inspired the solarpunk term in 2008
MS Beluga Skysails, the world’s first hybrid cargo ship

From then on, the solarpunk idea started to evolve into a global movement.

The best resource that sums it up is A Solarpunk Manifesto published in the not-so-distant year of 2019. 

The Manifesto defines solarpunk as a movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion, and activism that  addresses the question ‘what does a sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?’ Solarpunk looks into the future. 

Instead of being overwhelmed by the problems we face and the fear of what may happen, it encourages us to accept our reality and look for solutions. Instead of viewing technology as our demise, we can embrace and use it to repair the damages done to the planet and sustain our world as we know it. 

Solarpunk has become more than an aesthetic or a sci-fi genre. It’s an entire philosophy and ideology taking us closer to a sustainable, equitable, and community-driven world. A positive vision of the future, a provocative experiment, a way of life, and a set of doable ideas for getting there are all included in solarpunk. We don’t need to deny our past or abandon technology. They’re a part of us and we can use them for the benefit of our planet.

What does a solarpunk world look like?

Solarpunk worlds are often colorful and vibrant, blending the beauty of nature with human technology. Solarpunk prioritizes the health of the planet and its inhabitants over profit and power. Strong communities work together to build sustainable infrastructure, create local economies, and protect the natural world.

Creating and using technology is seen as a natural part of human evolution. This immense knowledge is used in service of nature rather than in opposition to it. Innovation is integrated into the natural world rather than dominating it. Imagine buildings that look like they have grown, their walls covered in vines and climbing plants, their roofs made of shimmering solar panels. Smart technology and advanced materials are also part of the design where every surface is energy-efficient and eco-friendly.

Communities are at the heart of solarpunk worlds. They are inclusive and diverse, emphasizing community building and local empowerment as a powerful force for change. People of all backgrounds and skill levels are welcome to join, and they are empowered to shape their own life and destiny. Their creativity and innovation are essential qualities for building a better future. By incorporating art, design, and technology into their projects, solarpunk communities are always looking for new and innovative ways to use resources wisely, share abundance and fairly manage scarcity.

What’s the ‘punk’ in solarpunk? 

Right now you may be wondering, where’s the punk in solarpunk? Let’s take a step back into our reality. To achieve this world, we have to make radical changes in how we live right now. We’re so used to the way things are, the way we live and how we consume things. Solarpunk is ‘punk’ because it rebels against the status quo of today. We have to go against all the things that we take for granted as individuals and as a society.

Revolutions begin with a rebellion against current circumstances. Many have a vision of how to go forward. But few have the tools to accomplish their vision. Solarpunk has all of it.

Oceanix City, a concept sustainable floating settlement that perfectly illustrate the solarpunk mouvement and solarpunk ethos
Oceanix City, a sustainable floating settlement 

Why should you care about solarpunk?

We live in the best time to create a solarpunk world. We have the knowledge, the technology, and the resources to power whole countries with solar energy if not the whole world. There’s vertical farming, permaculture, hydroponics and many other sustainable ways to grow food.

We have the technology to connect and build global and local communities that can work together to find sustainable solutions for a better future. There are lots of different ways to maintain sustainable, local economies.

This is why we have to talk about solarpunk, create solarpunk fiction and narrative, and include solarpunk ideas into our lifestyle. All these can inspire us to come up with workable solutions that could save us from an apocalyptic world. 

AlphaVerse as a solarpunk world

If you’d like to see and experience what a solarpunk world could look like, AlphaVerse is a great place to start from. As you walk in this solarpunk metaverse, you’ll see how nature and technology can blend to perfection.

A solarpunk interior in the AlphaVerse with a mix of technology and sustainability
A solarpunk interior in the AlphaVerse

The streets, squares and other outdoor areas in the AlphaVerse Hub are rich in lush greenery like trees, bushes and flowers. There are vertical gardens that provide shade and improve air quality. Solar panels cover rooftops, generating clean energy and reducing the carbon footprint of the inhabitants.

Imagine buildings that combine futuristic design with natural beauty, cutting-edge technology with organic shapes and materials. Inside the buildings, you will find interconnected spaces filled with natural light, creating a sense of connection to the natural world.

A solarpunk Concept Art for a Community House in AlphaVerse showing a mixing of luxuriant greenery and modern architecture
A solarpunk Concept Art for a Community House in AlphaVerse

As a solarpunk metaverse, AlphaVerse prioritizes accessibility, inclusivity, and diversity, welcoming people from all backgrounds to participate, engage with one another and take action in all the ways they prefer. This world fosters creativity, collaboration, and innovation, enabling you to create, learn, share and inspire positive change in the real world.

If you want to get more involved and take action, you can visit an entire world dedicated to sustainability and social good: Horyou AlphaVerse. It is the perfect place for all those who would like to work together towards a more harmonious future. You can meet like-minded people, share knowledge and experiences, and become part of strong change-maker communities.

Final thoughts

The world can be a scary and uncertain place, but solarpunk offers a hopeful and positive vision for the future. Solarpunk is a powerful counterpoint to the dystopian visions of the future that dominate mainstream science fiction. Whether through art, literature, activism or the metaverse, Solarpunk encourages us to imagine a better world and work to create it in our own lives.

You may think a solarpunk future is too good to be true, and you may be right. But should it stop us from trying to take that path and work on it? Not at all.

If you’d like to see and experience what a solarpunk metaverse is like, join us and subscribe to our newsletter. We’re working on the third test phase of the AlphaVerse Hub, and we hope to see you there.