Horyou AlphaVerse: The First Metaverse for Social Good and Sustainability

Our world is the primary thing we have in common. If you agree with this, you’ll also share the opinion that it is our collective responsibility to look for innovative…

Our world is the primary thing we have in common. If you agree with this, you’ll also share the opinion that it is our collective responsibility to look for innovative ways to preserve our planet and create a sustainable world. Sustainability is not only the key to our better future, but to the future of humanity as such.

If you’re interested in why we think disruptive technologies like blockchain can be a helpful tool to create a more harmonious world and how you can be part of the solution, read on. Discover Horyou AlphaVerse.

Why are sustainability and social good so important?

The answer is very simple: we won’t be able to maintain our quality of life, our biodiversity or our ecosystems if we don’t change. There are signs everywhere. We are running short of fossil fuels and other natural resources. Huge numbers of species have already become extinct and we are not doing enough to stop this process. A warmer world is creating irreversible damage to our environment and this is taking its toll on all living forms on Earth.

In fact, a recent IPCC report warns us that it may be the last decade for us to take some serious action and turn things around. There’s a lot to be done, and we must act quickly and efficiently.

Social good, or promoting human and social well-being on a large scale, is also an integral part of sustainability. Can you imagine having limited or no access to basic resources or health services? That’s the point, all of us should have these and a good quality of life in a sustainable environment.

In 2015, the United Nations released its 17 Sustainable Development Goals as key objectives for achieving a better and more sustainable future. They address global sustainability issues like sustainable economic growth, no poverty, zero hunger, clean air, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, responsible consumption and production. We don’t have much time left as we hope to achieve these goals by 2030 (!).

Sounds too ambitious? We believe it doesn’t if we inspire each other, unite our forces and act together. We also believe the right technology can help us in our mission.

The United Nation's 17 SDGs for 2030
The official list of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Blockchain for social good and sustainability

Technologies that develop the economy, make it more sustainable and inclusive get a lot of attention. Still, applying them to the benefit of all is less frequent. Take the Internet, for example. It has generated unparalleled market growth. Still, the technology behind it has only served to concentrate ownership in the hands of several tech giants. The concentration of ownership resulted in the concentration of power and wealth, erecting a high wall between “winners” and “losers.”

The best way to deal with power concentration is to decentralize whatever we can. At the moment, blockchain technology is the best tool at hand to achieve that. Many people associate blockchain with cryptocurrencies but it’s much more than that. It’s a transparent and decentralized way to track any transaction, be it financial, legal, real estate, supply chain, etc. It encourages participation and mass financial inclusion.

A lush, green building inside Horyou AlphaVerse
A building in Horyou AlphaVerse

Data stored in a blockchain ledger cannot be changed. This distinguishes the blockchain as an ideal contender for storing accurate and reliable sustainability data. We believe its application for social good will come naturally.

Ambitious, collective goals like social good and sustainability are only possible if everyone is involved — from individuals to organizations and businesses. Luckily, there are lots of great initiatives currently by both for-profit and nonprofit organizations. The biggest issue is that in a centralized environment, too many of these good initiatives don’t get the funding they deserve. With blockchain, all transactions are transparent and traceable. So you can be sure the funds will land in the hands of those who truly need them.

Horyou AlphaVerse: a digital world at the service of the real world

Imagine an immersive world where you can take action for causes dear to your heart together with other people who share the same interests. In this space, you can be sure that your efforts are not in vain. Your voice can be heard, the causes you stand up for will be noticed and the funds you invest, donate or collect will get to the places and the people that really need them.

Welcome to Horyou AlphaVerse!

The first metaverse that provides a digital environment on the blockchain for all those who want to work together towards a sustainable world. Anyone, no matter their role, change-makers, activists, innovators, or supporters can get busy in this metaverse. You can play fun social games that teach you sustainable skills and develop a socially good mindset. You can source and develop special partnerships, create and promote dedicated NFT collections, and raise funds for your disruptive project or social cause that echoes the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. And there’s a lot more!

A multi-floored Horyou AlphaVerse building with greenery and waterfall
Large building in Horyou AlphaVerse

Horyou AlphaVerse’s main mission is to stimulate faster adoption of practices that strengthen sustainability and social good in the real world. In an immersive, gamified environment, it’s easy and fun to collaborate, learn from other cultures, share knowledge and good practices, and raise awareness about programs and charitable causes.

If this sounds like something you’d like to be part of, we’re happy to welcome you in our community!

Horyou AlphaVerse will be launched in 2023. Until then subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on our social media channels.